Akasaka Palace(Yotsuya)

Step by Step

  1. How to visit Akasaka Palace
  2. A national treasure building that welcomes guests from around the world
  3. This building is open to the public
  4. You can buy drinks from the kitchen car
  5. It was the first building, ever since the Meiji era, to become a national treasure
  6. Foreign guests are welcomed here
  7. Afternoon tea is served, limited to 20 a day.
  8. Why to come to enjoy some tea at the beautiful palace?
  9. How to visit Akasaka Palace from JR Subway Yotsuya Station
  10. Leave the ticket gate and head to the exit
  11. Exit the station and go left
  12. Turn left
  13. Keep walking
  14. Cross the road on your right
  15. Turn left
  16. Walk straight
  17. Arrival at Asakusa Palace