Kagetsudo (Asakusa)

Step by Step

  1. The popular “Melonpan“ in Asakusa
  2. Over 3000 Melonpan are sold here in one day
  3. Here you can taste freshly baked Melonpan
  4. This place is so popular that people line up for its fresh Melonpan
  5. Here you can’t only Melonpan but also other things as well
  6. These Melonpan have a crisp outside and a soft interior
  7. How to visit the Kagetsudo from Subway Asakusa
  8. Head towards Exit 1
  9. After leaving the station, continue straight
  10. Turn right
  11. Walk straight for a little while
  12. Turn right
  13. Then, turn left
  14. Follow the path aside from the buildings
  15. Turn left
  16. After walking straight…
  17. Arrival at the Kagetsudo