Step by Step

  1. A complex that makes use of historical buildings
  2. There are many restaurants and souvenir shops
  3. There also are shops selling Japanese accessories
  4. It was built by renewing the former historical building of the Osaka City Museum
  5. It’s an 86-year-old western-style building
  6. At this shop you can buy Ninja and Samurai goods
  7. Here you can buy Osaka souvenirs and Osaka original goods
  8. You can eat a snack at the Take-out Corner
  9. You can overlook the Osaka Castle from the rooftop
  10. Here you can relax while enjoying a nice view
  11. How about visiting this spot?
  12. Directions to MIRAIZA OSAKA-JO from Osakajokoen Station
  13. Leave the station and move downstairs
  14. Walk straight
  15. Turn left
  16. Continue straight
  17. Turn right
  18. Turn left
  19. Follow the path
  20. Move through the castle gate
  21. Turn right
  22. Cross the bridge to your left
  23. Move upstairs
  24. Arrival at Osaka Castle