Kuromon Ichiba(Nippombashi)

Step by Step

  1. Kuromon Ichiba
  2. A large market representing Osaka
  3. A popular place with tourists for eating while walking through the market
  4. There are various stores
  5. There are around 100 stores selling fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, drinks, clothing and more
  6. There are many stores selling to-go foods
  7. During a normal weekday around 18.000 people visit this market
  8. There are over 30 places selling fresh fish
  9. Here you can get your hands on various foods
  10. There are also restaurants to sit down and enjoy a relaxing meal
  11. How about filling your stomach with fresh foods at this market?
  12. How to visit the Kuromon Ichiba(From Subway Nippombashi Station)
  13. Head towards Exit 10
  14. After leavint the station, continue straight
  15. Arrival at the Kuromon Ichiba