Namba to the Kansai Airport “Limited Express Rapit”

Step by Step

  1. Introducing train transportation from Namba to the Kansai Airport
  2. When taking this “Rapi:t” limited express, you’ll arrive at the Airport even faster than the Airport Express
  3. The seats are comfortable and spacious
  4. Departure from Namba CITY
  5. Move up the escalator to your right
  6. Arrival at the Nankai Namba Station South Gate
  7. Buy your normal train ticket(920 Yen to the Kansai Airport)
  8. Turn left
  9. Continue to the Rapi:t Train Stop (No. 9)
  10. Walk straight
  11. Buy your Limited Express Rapi:t Ticket (You can only buy tickets if there are seats available)
  12. The button with the airplan next to it is the selection for the Airport
  13. Check your car and seat numbers and enter the train
  14. After arriving, move up using the escalator
  15. Leave through the ticket gate and turn left
  16. Leave the station and turn left
  17. Walk straight
  18. Arrival at the Kansai Airport
  19. There are electric bulletin boards to check your flight information