Ikuta Shrine (Kobe)
Step by Step
- It’s a famous shrine for marriage
- The water horoscope is popular
- It’s worshipped as a “Revival god” because it has overcome disasters and air raids
- Clean your hands and mouth with the water of the well before entering the precincts
- Upon entering you will see the majestic main shrine
- Pray at the main shrine
- Write a wish for love to come true on a votive tablet that has “Love” written on it
- The torii gate of the Inari Shrine is also one of the highlights
- You can buy water horoscopes in the precincts
- If you let the horoscope float on the water, you can see your fortune telling results
- Tie up your horoscope here after seeing the results
- How about visiting this shrine?
- Directions to Ikuta Shrine from JR Sannomiya Station
- Leave the station and turn left
- Cross the street
- Turn right
- Turn left
- Cross the street
- Continue straight
- Cross the street to your right
- Walk straight
- Arrival at Ikuta Shrine