Ikuno Korea Town (Ikuno)
Step by Step
- A place visited by over 1 Million people yearly with many Korean restaurants and more
- A fun place to eat and walk around
- Here you can enjoy Korean food while being in Japan
- Many tourists visit this Korea Town
- As there are many places to grab takeout foods, you can do sightseeing while enjoying Korean foods
- You can also buy Korean side dishes here you won’t find anywhere else as easily
- Here you can also buy things typically sold in Korea
- Hatogu are so popular that people line up to get one
- On a hot day we recommend the Korean style shaved ice made with 100% milk instead of water
- How about tasting Korean food in this area?
- Directions to Ikuno Korea Town from JR Momodani Station
- Head to the exit
- Leave the station and turn left
- Follow the path going through the shopping district
- Cross the street to your left
- Turn left
- Walk straight
- After turning right…
- Arrival at the Ikuno Korea Town