Kyoto Imperial Palace(Marutamachi)

Step by Step

  1. The Kyoto Imperial Palace, which was the residence of successive Emperors until the Meiji era
  2. You can see valuable objects such as wall paintings
  3. There are various attractions on the vast premises
  4. Your bags will be inspected upon entry
  5. The Shodaibunoma
  6. The Okurumayose
  7. The Jomeimon
  8. The Shishinden (Hall of State Ceremonies)
  9. The Oike-niwa
  10. The Oike-niwa is a go-around garden where you can enjoy the rich nature
  11. How about visiting the Kyoto Imperial Palace?
  12. Directions to the Kyoto Imperial Palace from Subway Marutamachi Station
  13. Head to Exit 1
  14. Continue straight
  15. Arrival at the Kyoto Imperial Palace